MP responds to announcement of further consultation on Arundel bypass

Arundel & South Downs MP Nick Herbert has responded to Highways England’s announcement of further public consultation on the Arundel bypass.

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Mr Herbert said: "While I’d rather not see any delay, it’s no bad thing to give the local community every opportunity to respond when there's new information.  In fact, I suspect that further consultation will only strengthen the case for a proper bypass which relieves traffic in the historic town of Arundel and the South Downs.

"I note that Option 5a is still the preferred route, and that the £250 million of funding specifically allocated for the Arundel scheme remains in place.  We always knew that the bypass would face challenges along the way, but it commands strong and widespread local support, and I remain confident that this much-needed road improvement will go ahead.”



1.     To read the Highways England announcement in full see

2.     To read everything Nick has been doing on the Arundel bypass see

3.     To read Nick’s news ‘MP expects Arundel bypass judicial review to uphold process’ see

4.     To read Nick’s news from the original bypass consultation (August 2017) see

5.     To read Nick’s news commenting on the preferred route announcement (May 2018) see